- About The Brand -

Why All Good Bags
All Good Bags started with a love of op-shopping and how to reduce waste. Started 3 years a go with a focus on upcycling fabric to reusable shopping bags. Over time my range of handmade practical plastic-free items has grown to include reusable cotton squares, soap savers, reusable Tea bags and more. I have had the great luck of working closely with Kawakawa Kottage Krafts to expand my range to plastic free, handmade haircare, beauty and healing products. I am always looking at new products to make the change to sustainable living easier to access. My newest products include Toilet Fizzies, these have been developed to give my customers a chemical free alternative to harsh cleaning products. Many of my products have been suggestions by customers so if there is something you looking for please feel free to ask. I hope you enjoy the options available to reduce the plastic in the world.